Breakfast Bruschetta


Serves 1

1 free range egg
half an avocado sliced
1 tomato chopped tomato

1 slice of fresh toast of your choice (I like multi seed or sourdough)

1 clove of garlic

few basil leaves

olive oil


In a large pan of gently simmering water add your egg. I like to gently pour it from a bowl or cup and simmer for 3-4 minutes.

Get your toast and rub it with a clove of garlic on one side. Drizzle with olive oil and pile on the chopped tomato and break the basil leaves and scatter and season. Gently lay the avocado on top.

Remove your egg with a slotted spoon and remove excess water with a paper towel. Place on top of the avocado and garnish with basil and lightly season again.

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