Croquettes with Salmon and Spring Onion

Makes approximately 15


60g of butter

2 heaped tbsp of flour (60g)

500ml of milk

150g of cooked salmon- I used fillet, but smoked salmon would be great to.

3 sprigs of spring onion sliced

Salt & pepper to taste

1 egg whisked

150g breadcrumbs

To fry

1 litre vegetable oil


In a medium deep pan melt the butter on a medium to low heat. Once the butter is melted add the flour to make a roux mixing well. Leave on the heat for a couple of minutes to cook off the flour and gradually start adding your milk.

Turn the heat up to a medium heat and add all the milk. and allow to cook for a further 10 minutes continuously until the mixture becomes the same consistency as custard. Season to taste.

Remove from the heat and add the salmon and spring and stir through.

Place in a bowl and allow to chill, cover with clingfilm and place in the fridge. You cannot skip this step as you need the sauce to solidify to allow you to roll into balls.

Check the mixture after around 30 minutes and if it is solid enough start rolling into balls as you would meatballs. I aim for around 1.5 inches and this should make you around 15 croquettes.

In one bowl have your egg and in another the breadcrumbs.

One at a time dip the croquette first in the egg mixture and then in the breadcrumbs ensuring to fully cover in breadcrumbs.

Place on a plate ready to fry.

Heat the oil to 180 (medium heat) Once the oil is hot carefully fry in batches of 3-4 otherwise they will split. Fry until a nice golden brown colour. This should only take 3-4 minutes. Place on kitchen towel to remove excess oil.

To Serve

Place a teaspoon of sauce where you intend to place the croquettes and add gently on top.

These work very well with a wedge of lime and a small side salad. I have used cherry tomatoes, spinach, red onion and avocado.


It is worth straining the oil once chilled using a sieve lined with two pieces of kitchen towel and keeping in a jar for next time to need to fry anything.

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