Kefir Separation

Separated Kefir
What do do when this happens…

There are three main reasons why:

1. Too many grains for the ratio of milk- it is a common mistake to think the more grains the merrier. NO! By doing this you are actually starving the grains and they will stop growing, become more slimy and will even shrink and can eventually die.

2. Fermentation time – The longer the better is not always beneficial, again by doing this it ca starve the grains and in my opinion makes the milk kefir quite unpleasant to drink as can be very sour. As soon as the kefir starts to separate it is ready. It can start to separate in as little as 12 hours.

3. Temperature – The area where you store the kefir is also important. A cool dark area is best. Sometimes the kitchen can become very hot when cooking. This will affect the fermentation time.
I find the best temperature for making kefir in approx 24°c

So if this happens try altering the process to make the perfect kefir.

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