The Best Gazpacho Recipe

Serves for 4-8 Peoples


2kg ripe tomatoes (I add some whole cherry tomatoes) roughly chopped and core removed.

1 yellow pepper roughly chopped, core and seeds removed

1 cucumber peeled and roughly chopped

1 medium red onion peeled and roughly chopped

1 clove garlic

1 large pinch cumin

3 tablespoon raspberry vinegar

125ml extra virgin olive oil plus extra for serving

1 piece artisan bread 3-4 inches.

salt to taste


Add all the ingredients to a high powered blender and blend thoroughly. If needed do this in two batches. I used the large jug on the Nutri-bullet and blended twice to ensure the Gazpacho was really smooth and creamy.

If you are using a stick blender, just unsure the soup is completely blended with no lumps.

place in the fridge to chill until ready to serve.

To Serve

Depending on whether you are serving this as a light lunch or as a starter will alter what size portion you will want. For smaller portions I would recommend something like small water glasses or coffee cups presented with a drizzle of olive oil and micro greens or add some chilled roasted cherry tomatoes. It can even be served as an amuse bouche in a tall shot glass.

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